Saturday, August 2, 2014


Our first full day in Galway, we went out to breakfast and I discovered I'd lost all of my recently ATM'd Euros...$360 worth. Not a great start to the day.

After I had semi-gotten over it, we headed to Joyce's supermarket in Knocknacarra to get food for the house -- eggs, bacon, tomatoes, onions, and mushrooms for omelets; strawberries, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, radishes; turkey breast, white cheddar, Swiss cheese, lettuce, and sourdough for sandwiches, cream for coffee, and spring water.

It was interesting to see many American products on the shelves, but we chose Irish and locally farmed. Most produce in the groceries is from local farms here in Ireland.  The big push for organic is alive here, as well.

We have to take taxis wherever we go, since we opted not to rent a car.  They wanted $750 for five days! Maybe part of the reason for the high rates is that it is Race Week in Galway now -- horse racing and jumping on the turf and clockwise, not counter-clockwise the way our races run in the States.  We've been told by all that it is a rip-roaring good time with the rich and famous mingling with the lowly and all equal not only in stature, but also in revelry.  And people come from all over the world for Race Week!

Maybe next year.

(Click photos to enlarge.)

At the deli counter.  (Note the Kellogg's on the shelves behind.)

Not easy to carry home in a taxi -- especially since they don't give you bags here and we hadn't brought any!  Luckily, Chari bought a reusable tote and they had some boxes we could use and a strong taxi driver who picked them up and moved them for us.

Some of the headlines the day we shopped.

Chari waiting for the taxi.

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