Monday, July 28, 2014

Ireland Arrival

Seeing all the sights, packing in as much as I could in the time I had abroad described my mode of traveling in my younger years.  At this stage, I want to amble along, see some sights (but not let them dictate the trip) and just discover what it means to be Irish.  Reminds me of a segment of a tour I took in my 30's, during which we had only two nights and a day in Paris.  Everyone else jammed onto side trips to Versailles or Chartres or Giverny, but I chose to go alone to an outdoor cafe to sit and sip espresso and Parisian-watch. I just wanted to feel Paris. 

Being of similar minds, Chari and I took our time after our airport arrival and got out to Dun Laoghaire, a 45 minute drive from the airport (20 south of Dublin) several hours after we landed.  We airport-ambled, changed money, and wifi'ed for a while before catching the big blue bus to the Royal Marine Hotel on the Irish Sea.

We've no set schedule, will make plans as we go, and intend to avoid any rushing whatsoever.  So let's see what unfolds.

(Note:  You can click on any photo in this blog and it should enlarge for better viewing.)

Dublin airport

The Irish Sea from our room at the Royal Marine Hotel

Royal Marine Hotel

Royal Marine Hotel from the sea

Hotel entrance