Friday, August 15, 2014

An Irish Grocery Store

I thought it would be interesting to show a few grocery items and talk about Irish grocers for one post.

(Click on photos to enlarge.)

Hula Hoops are ring-shaped potato chips, kinda.

"Chips" in Ireland are French fries;  "crisps" are potato chips.

Really "hot" ketchup.

"Lollies" are lollipops, and frozen ones are popsicles.

"Topped to the edge."  I like that.  I hate it when you order pizza and all the "stuff" is only in the middle with like 2" of just crust.

They don't do fish sticks, they do fish fingers.  (Who knew fish had fingers?)

Many signs (not just in grocery stores) are also in Irish Gaelic.

A "staying down" price.  Love their phraseology.

In Tesco, at least, all of the produce shows locally grown information, like even the farmer's name, on signs above it.  So you can call him up if you have a beef.  (Ha ha, not really.)  But the local farm and farmer's names are really posted!

"Slan" doesn't truly translate into "thank you" or "goodbye," but kinda.  It's also an adjective meaning "safe."

Candy with no artificial anything?  Cool.

I can't imagine kids want to be slurping some of these flavors.  I sure wouldn't.

As far as soda, pop, whatever you call it where you live, Coke still has a corner on the market.

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