Friday, August 22, 2014

My Last Stroll

It was a sunny day, though only 60 degrees, and the meandering was easy.  Nowhere to be at a particular time, no schedule, no hurry.  This is the way I like to travel and, especially, to end a trip. Didn't get to the Cliffs of Mohr, didn't get to the Ring of Kerry, didn't go to the Aran Islands, didn't kiss the Blarney Stone and didn't see the Book of Kells or any other historical landmark in Dublin. But I didn't mind.

At this age, I'm less about seeing the sights and much more about the scenery, the culture, and talking to as many native people as I can.  And we surely did that.

I may return another day to do what I missed this trip, but if I never do, I have no regrets.  Overall (wait for my last post!) it has been a lovely trip.

These are my last shots of Dublin.

(Click to enlarge photos.)

Starbucks everywhere (and where there are bicycles, I'm shooting.)  :)

French couple trying to earn a little money for travel by making and selling these, what, ashtrays?  Candle holders?  I forgot and can't read their sign.  They are old pop cans.

Chicagoans, note the name.


Custom-made shirts shop.

Another unusual juxtaposition:  BK over Swarovski.  (I forgot how to work that formula.)

The Little Museum of Dublin -- all items donated by the public.

Ending up the evening with an 8 o'clock dinner outside.

And I come back to my hotel to find a package from my dear Irish exchange hosts.

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